
What Size Snowboard Should You Buy 2024 Version

Travis GneitingArticle

It is imperative that you get the right size snowboard for your body height, weight and foot size.  If you are unable to see the snowboard in person and wondering “What size snowboard should you buy”, follow the instruction below to help you out.

What Size Snowboard Should You Buy?

There are many articles on line that explain what size snowboard you should buy, but GearChase.com is the only one with a calculator to find the right snowboard size.


Snowboards are typically measured in centimeters.  Knowing what size snowboard you should buy is just as important as the quality of the board.  A good rule of thumb is that a snowboard should come up to about your chin.  However, depending on the style of riding you will be doing you may want to go with a board that is a little longer or shorter.  Big mountain riders typically will ride a snowboard that is a few centimeters taller than their chin. Someone that enjoys riding rails in the snowboard park may buy a snowboard that is a little smaller snowboard.

An additional good idea is to also look at the manufacture recommendations for each snowboard. They usually have some information listed as to the height of a person and how it would relate to a given snowboard.

Snowboard Size Calculator

Use our snowboard calculator to determine what size of snowboard you should buy.

Height Feet:
Height Inch:

Find Your Size Snowboard on GearChase for Less.

Also, you can also use this chart below to determine what size snowboard should you buy based on your height.

Height Feet/Inch Snowboard Size Centimeters Snowboard Size Range Centimeters
3’7″ 109cm 90-105
4’1″ 124cm 110-120
4’6″ 137cm 115-130
4’10” 147cm 125-135
5’1″ 155cm 130-140
5’3″ 160cm 135-145
5’4″ 163cm 140-150
5’5″ 165cm 145-152
5’6″ 168cm 148-153
5’7″ 170cm 150-155
5’8″ 173cm 152-155
5’9″ 175cm 153-157
5’10” 178cm 154-159
5’11” 180cm 155-160
6′ 183cm 156-162
6’1″ 185cm 157-163
6’2″ 188cm 158-166
6’3″ 191cm 159-167
6’4″ 193cm 160-170

How Wide of Snowboard Should I Buy

Some consideration needs to be taken to know what size the width of your snowboard should be.  There are many snowboards that come in a “WIDE” version, and kid’s snowboards come in a variable with. Make sure that the snowboard width is not too wide or so narrow that your toes are going to be hanging over the edge of the board.

A good rule of thumb is that your boots should hang over the edge just slightly, around 1 cm.  Below is a table to give you a guideline on what the width of your snowboard should be.

Men’s Boot Size Women’s Boot Size Board Middle Width
Up to 5.5 Up to 6 Up to 24 cm Narrow
6 to 10 6.5 to 11 24-25.5 cm Regular
10 to 12 24.5-26.5 cm Mid-wide
12 or larger 26 cm+ Wide

How Stiff or Flexible of a Snowboard Should I Buy

Most snowboards you can buy online have a flex rating.  Sometimes this rating is “Soft”, “Medium”, “Firm”.  And other times you might see a rating from 1 to 10, where one is a noodle, and 10 being as stiff as a piece of solid wood.

Often times you want to match the flex of a board to the style of snowboarding that you will be doing?  For example a soft flexing snowboard will be more playful and easier to pop with, often what someone riding in the snowboard park might ride.  On the flip side someone why is riding big mountain choppy snow would benefit from a firmer board.  For beginners, a medium flex is a good place to start.  It offers a great foundation for turning and engaging the edge of the snowboard on the snow without a huge amount of effort.

In Conclusion

Now that you know what size snowboard should you buy, make sure you buy a good snowboard that meets your foot size, and height.  Also important is to buy a snowboard with the correct flex. Shop less for a certain brand name or graphic, rather look for the right fit.  Furthermore, shop around there are thousands of snowboards out there.